
Thursday 1 August 2013

Pazhutha Manga Pachadi | Pazha Manga Pachadi | Mampazha Pachadi

Ripe Mango served with coconut-mustard-curd sauce & jaggery in Kerala Style

I would have never made this dish if not for my negligence ! I bought a raw mango - all for making some pickle & it was stashed away at the bottom of the rack of my refrigerator. Lazy me, I forgot all about it. One day, it peeped up & asked ' Aren't u gonna make use of me? I won't sit like this, neat & clean for long. Remember, I am a costly commodity at this part of the world' Did reality strike me hard?? Ohh yea, it did. So now me like a good girl, took it out & made the first slice. It was not all green & firm, but a bit soft & squashy on one end. Now Deeps saw me staring at it & made the quick decision 'Don't make pickle out of this. It won't taste good'. 'Is it spoiled?' came my quick question back. 'I don't think so. It has turned ripe inside. Just the outside color is still green', he said. 

I was at a loss. I was all happy that I would make some pickle, now it was like 'No soup for you, gal' ! I thought ok, I would make some Pazhutha Manga Kootan. I did some googling & was all set. But still at the bottom of my heart, I was still pondering, 'Is there some way to make a pickle out of this'. Then after a while when I was talking to Amma (Deeps' mom) I asked her about it. She said,'You can make pachadi out of it. It will taste great & Deeps also loves it'. Ok, that sounded like fun. A new dish for me as well as I have not had Mampazha Pachadi before. So I was thrilled to try it out. Quickly I jotted down the recipe in my notepad and lo, here it is. And as expected, Deeps loved it. He did not touch the main dish that day & had his entire share of rice with the pachadi. I too loved it with it's mix of tangy & sweet taste. And you know what, I loved it better the next day ;) So you now know what to do when you fall prey to this sort of negligence. So let's take a look at how I made it :)

Recipe Source: Mil

I Took: 30 minutes

Makes: 2 cups

I Used:

Pazhutha Manga/Ripe Mango - 1 no - big sixed - around 400 gms
Grated Coconut - ¼ cup
Grated Jaggery - 2 tbsp
Curd - 5 tbsp
Green Chilly - 2 no
Red Chilly powder - 1 ½ tsp 
Turmeric powder - ½ tsp
Mustard - 2 tsp
Red Chilly - 2 no
Curry leaves - 2 sprigs
Oil  - 1 tbsp
Salt - As Needed

The Way:

  1. De-skin the mango and cut it into small sized cubes. If using small sized mango, you can de-skin & use the whole mango (with the seed)
  2. Grind together grated coconut, mustard & green chilly. When they are ground well add curd & give another pulse or two so that the curd is mixed well
  3. In a saucepan mix together the ripe mango, red chilly powder, turmeric powder & salt along with ½ cup water & cook them over medium flame
  4. When the mango is cooked well, add the ground coconut mixture & grated jaggery & stir well. Make sure the flame is very low & it does not boil. This may take about a minute or so. Once mixed well, remove from flame 
  5. Heat oil in another pan. Splutter the mustard seeds. Add red chilly & curry leaves & saute. Take care that they are not burnt. Add this tempering to the pachadi (mango mixture) & give a stir & serve


  1. Pachadi looks yummy and delicious.

  2. Pachadi looks relish and just loved the 2nd pic..:-)

  3. Manga pachadi looks really yum. Mouthwatering dear :)

  4. Ha un aspetto invitante e delizioso!!!! Bravissima, un abbraccio

  5. Mangai pachadi looks delicious, lovely clicks chitz...

  6. haha love that mango soliloquy , and anything with coconut and jaggery looks too good to pass!

  7. A different and unique version of mango chutney. That curd says it all in the creamy and tangy flavor. I just adore such flavors, that tangy, spicy and punchy. Its heavenly and its a great side for rice.

  8. Looks yum!!! We make Morekuzhambu with ripen mangoes!!! :)

  9. hmmm..lovely..tangy pachadi looks so yum chitz...

  10. Really interesting Chitz... hmmm...

  11. It looks awesome and well clicked. Mouthwatering

  12. Very interesting pachadi dear.. nice clicks..

  13. Pazha manga kootan is regularly made in my house,different version though.You are right they are expensive here too.

  14. So the mango u used was a raw one which turned ripe!! ummm Wish u had posted this recipe a month back or more!! my mom brought a raw ripe mango for me, the kind I like, and it was sitting in fridge for almost 2-3 weeks until i had to pity and consume it lolz :) Nice recipe dear

    1. Haha, thanks dear.. Now next time u know what to do !

  15. I make the ripe mango pachadi too, we call it gojju :-). good you didn't throw it in the garbage. I do this too, bring some veggie home and forget all about it for a while.

  16. The manga pacchadi looks creamy and delicious. Love the subtle color. You have a nice blog here.

  17. Will definitely tickle my tastebuds, droolworthy pachadi..

  18. very tempting pickle and lovely cliks...

  19. Muy interesante su postre luce muy tentador,hugs,hugs.

  20. love these mild sweet curries. i do the same with pineapple to. Belated Friendship day greetings dear !

  21. Chitz you read my mind. I used to buy several packets of the mampazha pulissery which they sold in Indian stores here. Now they don't import stock on those anymore, much to mine and the family's dismay. So you've empowered me to try it on my own. Your pictures do justice to it,too, rich, thick with those ripe mango chunks♥♥

    1. Thanks a lot Tisa.. Do try out & u will be definitely happy :)

  22. this sounds very delicious with sweet and savoury taste...

  23. ripe mango relish...yum...our favorite...have it with rice all summer :-)

  24. That's an drool worthy recipe with ripe mango....

  25. We adore mangoes, but never have tried anything like yum!

  26. Adipoli pachadi, Looks like recipes are coming.

  27. This sounds very exotic to me with lots of interesting flavours.

  28. Thanks a lot everyone for your warm & lovely comments :)

  29. Super this pachadi recipe....

  30. wow so nice never made pachadi with ripe mangoes got to try it so good.

  31. This is very new to me....looks real yummy ! great clicks too :)


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