
Tuesday 30 July 2013

Vazhaipoo Poriyal | Vazhachundu Thoran | Banana Blossom Stir Fry - without Coconut

Banana Blossom stir fried with shallots & peanuts

There are certain veggies that we hate in childhood but turn close to heart when we grow up right? And when u relish on it now, you can always hear your amma saying 'How difficult was it to make her eat this one when she was young?' Isn't it?? Vazhapoo was one such veggie.. But to say the truth, I was a very picky eater when I was young, rather I had an aversion to food as such. Though you would never believe that if you see me munching & gobbling varieties of cuisines now ! 

Called by a wide variety of names as Vazhakoombu/Koombu/Kudappan/Chundu/Vazhapoo/Plantain or Banana Flower, this veggie is a very healthy & is a rich source of Vitamin E & antioxidants (now does that impress you?) And this dish you can say is yet another handiwork of my mom to make it even more healthier by avoiding coconut & substituting it with crushed peanuts. I would say that it retains the original flavor of the Vazhapoo which is usually shadowed by the addition of coconut & also the peanuts adds an extra crunch to the dish ! Even Deeps who is not a fan of this veggie would have a helping when the stir fry is prepared this way :)

The below picture goes to the Color me Purple (And Blue & Violet!) event of the "The Color Me Photography Challenge Series" - the brainchild of Priya !

Recipe Source: Ma
Serves: 3-4 persons

I Took:
Preparation Time: 1 hour
Cooking Time: 25 minutes

I Used:

Banana Blossom/Vazhapoo - 1 flower - about 2 cups after cleaning & chopping
Peanuts - 3 tbsp
Shallots - 4-6 no
Red Chilly powder - 2 tsp
Mustard - ½ tsp
Oil - 1 tbsp
Salt - As Needed

The Way:

  1. Clean vazhapoo & chop them finely. Then rinse them in water. Use a big strainer or colander to rinse them as it is more easier that way
  2. In a pan mix the cleaned vazhapoo, red chilly powder & salt. Add enough water & cook until the vazhapoo is done
  3. Coarsely grind the peanuts. You may just pulse it for 3-4 times
  4. In another pan, heat oil. Splutter mustard
  5. Then add shallots & saute till they turn golden in color. Now add the peanuts & saute well for a minute or so
  6. Finally add the cooked vazhapoo & give a thorough mix 
Serve with rice & a gravy of your choice :)



  1. I have never tasted this. But I am going to give this try soon. Very tempting pics Chitz

  2. nice pics. healthy and delicious poriyal

  3. Loved that you added peanuts instead of coconut. My Mom used to do it in a different way. But in any case, I am so going to get one when I go home next month :D

    And lovely clicks too. Thank you so much for sending that vazhachundu click across - I never even thought of this purple veg from home when I was announcing the challenge :)

    1. Me too.. Seeing this veggie I got reminded of the photography series :)

  4. I always loved the flower and surely its what I grew up eating mostly. Those days bananas trees were almost everywhere and mum just plucks the flower and cook all sorts of dishes with it. Now its a big trouble searching for the flower though I see it once a while in the market. The cleaning can be tedious so I close my eyes when I am in the market.

    Great flavors and its really attractive. Just perfect to be eaten with rice.

    1. Yes Nava.. Cleaning is quite a task for this one !!

  5. Though we get this in abundance here in Kolkata, I have never tried it. Your recipe looks lovely.

  6. I love banana blossom stir fry lots.. But yea in my mom's place coconut is added. I prefer without.. N this looks great!

  7. Very healthy,my mom makes this often,though we add coconut.Looks yummy ! We don't find it here,but actually I'm happy as the cleaning takes a lot of effort,very difficult for a lazy person like me:))Wonderful clicks Chitz !

  8. Hello Chitz!
    The beautiful and delicious your blog, congratulations!
    Visiting my Blog about Nature plants!
    I would love to follow your blog, and You follow me to.

    Greatings from Brasil......a new Friend.....:o)

  9. love banana blossom and thoran but never tried them together. this looks awesome for a comforting meal.

  10. perfect Valapoo fry......I have never try this with peanuts.......Looks nice.......

  11. I have never had banana blossom...didn't even know they were edible. The stir-fry must be very delicious.

    1. Yes Angie.. Do try them if u can get hold of one.. They are very healthy & tasty too :)

  12. I'm a big fan of this poriyal...healthy, fiber rich stir fry..perfect side dish for rasam rice..

  13. I love vazahaipoo poriya, very very healthy and a delicious. love your clicks...

  14. fav banana flower. Delicious and perfect poriyal dear.

    today's post:

  15. tis is so delicious looking..n wonderful dish..

  16. Ahhhaa Chitz satyamayittum kodiyavunnu...I usually find vazhapoo in store but it would be dry and wilted.
    For purple that is a good one I never thought of it as an option:)

  17. looks fab and reminds me about Idichakka....yum

  18. Healthy and delicious dry curry.. Although cleaning banana flower needs lot of time, its worth tasting it. I love the addition of peanuts to this thoran..

  19. I love the banana blossom flavor, never tried a thoran like this. sounds delicious.

  20. very very healthy and delicious poriyal dear :) Recipe sounds so delicious :)

  21. Delicious thoran, I miss them here, my banana plant gave only a small one. So next time when I get big one I will make it.

  22. never tried dis..but luks very yummy n i think its healthy too.

  23. One of my favorite too. Adding peanut is new to me. But really drooling dear :)

  24. aah, need to try this out, without the coconut. gud one, dear. and..hey ! i have got something for you . hop over to my space. 3 things, u get...2 awards and...a hug !!! ;) Have a great day ahead !

  25. I love just about anything spicy!

  26. sounds new n interesting... nw i can use banana flower, thanks for sharing :)

  27. this version is new to me. must try this way !

  28. Delicious and healthy poriyal.

  29. When I saw the pic in my reader, I thought it is Kheema of sorts...but really to make Vazhapoo look and taste good we really need some technique. The only veggie i liked as a kid was potato and still going on...but Vazhapoo with peanuts for the crunch is something new and I would love to give it a try.
    Nice clicks and a damn good recipe!

  30. Love this thoran...can't find any here..looks yummy

  31. Wat a health thoran, eventhought cleaning may be bit consuming, love this fabulous poriyal.

  32. One of my favorite vegetable, though I do it different way(the Bengali way), this sounds interesting.

  33. am a lover of banana blossom curry.....i simply love it...and now u made me crave for gonna make this soon.... superb clicks and awesome recipe.

  34. Me gustarĂ­a probar esta receta novedosa se ve muy sabrosa,hugs,hugs.

  35. I love it for its health benefits, lovely pictures!

  36. Fantastica ricetta!!!! Bravissima!!! Un abbraccio e felice giornata

  37. Healthy Poriyal and awesome clicks.. Glad to be connected.. Do visit my space when u find time
    Sharan's Samayalarai

  38. Loved it. Haven't done this since ages. We do it in a slightly different way.

  39. I like ur clicks so much ma'm ji..........I've also tried this with green gram....I will post it soon

  40. That picture of the flower looks so pretty. I love this dish, Chitz and have not had in in many years- nostalgia.

  41. Thanks everyone for your lovely & heartfelt comments :)


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