
A Brief Intro :)

Hello pals, 

I am Chitra, the amateur chef & stylist of this small humble space 'Indulge'. I am an ardent foodie basically, which eventually led me to the world of cooking. I was a software analyst by profession. Now resigned and rejoicing with my little one Dhruv (whom I call DD in this space) and hus Deepak in Pune. Basically a Telugu with roots in Chennai & brought up in Kerala, my mom's cooking had the influences of all these wonderful cuisines. And she is my greatest inspiration & patient (at times ;)) Guru :)

Wherever I have been, I was always surrounded by wonderful & gifted people who excelled in cooking & in the art of feeding others. My mom, my mil, my husband, my dad, everyone have their own success stories & masterpiece dishes! Or be it my college hostel where we had a wonderful mess with varieties of dishes that keeps changing each month or my roomies from work who like me, loved & enjoyed food ! A year & a half for work in London was when I actually made my footsteps into the kitchen to cook. My mom never used to let me cook. She was always scared that I would burn my hands or cause myself some injury. So I was always given small works like chopping & cutting & cleaning. And Ma is more of a perfectionist than me who wants every slice of the veggie to be exactly the same shape & size ;) So I have always had my basics right :D

And so like most of you, for the first time in life, I was left in the kitchen alone to cook, only after marriage. And I had to feed the perfect foodie & an excellent cook himself, my husband. And the place where we lived initially (in Norway) after marriage, did not have any Indian shops or  restaurants or take-aways ! So everything right from curries to sweets & savories had to be prepared at home. That really did bring out the cook in my genes :D I had the whole day to myself as I was on an year long sabbatical then & so I thought why not record my culinary journey online which would come in handy to many like me out there ! That's how my blogging journey started :)

And coming to the recipes that I post here at my space, it has all been tried & tested by me and only those recipe that are a success story finds it's way here. So do not hesitate to try them out & do not hesitate to let me know how you & your family or friends felt about it :) That surely motivates me, brightens my day  & makes me aware of your tastes & likes ! 

Apart from the foodie interests, I am a fun loving & friendly person who loves & spends time with family, my lovely friends and in hobbies like reading, crocheting, travelling, photography, watching n number of movies. My current obsession is blogging & I am elated to have met a lot of like-minded foodie pals ! Keep cooking, keep eating & live life with a smile always :)



Thank you for stopping by !! I am really happy that you take time to let me know how you feel :-)