
Tuesday 3 July 2018

Watermelon Juice | Fresh Watermelon Juice Recipe

I know summer is long gone in many parts of the world or at least in mine. But I do love to have chilled juices in this rainy weather at times. Are you too like me?? So while it lasts, I am making use of the watermelon available and making fresh juice and popsicles and enjoying. This is not a recipe as such, I know. But watermelon makes such good pics.. So I couldn't resist the urge to click.. I am way below average in clicking shots of drinks and beverages but I love to click them still.. And hence they make their way to the blog as well :)

Preparation Time : 10 minutes

Serves : 2 glasses

I Used:

Watermelon (chilled) - 1 cup (chopped)
Honey - 1 tsp
Salt - A pinch
Lemon juice (optional) - 1 tbsp

The Way:

1. Cut the watermelon. De-seed it. Then take out the red portion and chop it roughly

2. Add it to a blender jar and blend it smooth. Then add honey (if needed, if the melon is sweet enough you need not add honey. Also can use sugar instead) and a pinch of salt (enhances taste, if you do not like it then you can avoid salt) and lemon juice (if using, I did not use) and give a quick blend

3. Do not add water as the melon has a good amount of water content. If you are not using chilled watermelon, then refrigerate the juice for a while and serve chilled or you can use 2-3 ice cubes while serving. Do not keep the juice for long as it will not taste good. Recommend to serve immediately after making



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