
Tuesday 15 May 2018

Vazhaithandu Pachadi | Vazhathandu Pachadi | Banana Stem Raita

This year summer in Pune has also become unbearable. The past two years I found it much better when compared to Chennai or Kerala, but this time it was bad :( And so, we were resorting to all sorts of coolants for the body and soul ! You do not feel like eating an elaborate lunch during summer, do you? We don't.. We feel like eating just some cold fruits and drink loads of buttermilk and lemonades ;) But everyday I don't do that. Somedays I cook rice and keep it simple with some steamed veggies and curd. 

I had a weeny tiny bit of banana stem remaining with me one day and that wasn't sufficient to make a kootu or upperi so I thought will make pachadi out of it. So googled for the recipe and found at Chitra's blog. I thought I had to cook the stem before making pachadi, but the recipe was a breeze that required no cooking at all and just the tempering. Also you do not feel any raw taste of the vazhaithandu/banana stem also ! That's a plus right :) So if you are looking for recipes that do not need much of cooking time and want to enjoy the summer under the fan like me, this recipe is one for you. Check out !

Recipe Source: Adapted from Here

Preparation Time : 10 minutes

Cooking Time : 5 minutes

Serves : 2-3 persons 

I Used:

Vazhaithandu/Banana stem ½ cup (chopped)
Curd (Thick) 1 cup
Salt As Needed
Coriander Leaves 2-3 sprigs for garnish

To Temper:

Oil 2 tbsp
Mustard ½ tsp
Urd Dal 1 tsp
Green Chilly 1 no
Asafoetida/Hing ½ tsp
Curry leaves 1-2 sprigs

The Way:

1. Whisk the curd in a bowl till smooth and there are no lumps. If you prefer the pachadi a little watery, add little water to the curd

2. Next clean and chop the banana stem to fine pieces. For cleaning the banana, discard the outer cover that comes off easily when you peel them. Then take the inner pith (hard part) and cut them into round discs. While doing so, you can see that there is a little fibre in between the discs.Discard them

3. Then chop the discs into small pieces and add them to the whisked curd immediately. (No need to cook the banana stem) If you keep it in open air, they will change colour. Alternately you can add the chopped banana stem pieces to water or little buttermilk till use to prevent them from changing colour

4. Add salt to the curd-banana stem and mix it

5. Now the tempering part - heat oil in a tadka pan. Splutter mustard. Reduce the flame to low. Add the urad dal. Let it fry for a few seconds. Take care not to burn it

6. Now add the hing, curry leaves and slit green chilly. Let it fry for a few seconds. The green chilly will start to pop out the oil. So be careful. Now switch off the flame

7. Add the tadka to the curd and garnish with coriander leaves. Mix well and serve !



  1. Didn't even know banana stem is edible...this is exotic and so delicious too.

  2. It s been ages since I had vazhaithandu. After seeing ur recipe I am tempted. Hope I find in Indian stores


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