
Wednesday 15 March 2017

Homemade Ghee | Homemade Ghee from butter | Ghee made from malai

So a few months back, I had posted how to make butter at home from malai/cream collected from milk boiled daily at home. Now as a continuation of that post, I will write on how to make ghee at home from that homemade butter. This is quite simple once you get the butter making right. All you have to do here is melt and heat the butter on a low flame in a thick bottomed vessel and take care that it is not burnt.. Yes, it is as simple as that.. Who doesn't love homemade stuff and that too when it is as easy as this, then it is a double win situation, na? So read through those instructions. I have left some pointers that will help you get ghee making right at the first attempt itself !

The pictures show the sequence in which the clear brown coloured liquid ghee solidifies as it sits a while :) Usually I'm in a hurry to take pics as I do that (including a lot of other chores ;)) while Dhruv is sleeping. This time I had finished all my chores and had the whole time for clicking pics when he was sleeping. And the sun was at it's best after a long time, hence photo spamming this post ! Hope my photography skills have improved a bit !!!

Recipe Source: Amma

Makes: 200 gms

I Took: 

Cooking Time: 15 minutes

I Used:

Homemade Butter/Store bought unsalted butter - 2 cups
Rock Salt (optional) - 3-4 stones
Curry leaves or Drumstick leaves - A sprig

The Way:

1. Take the homemade/store bought butter in a kadai or thick bottomed vessel. Heat it in a low/medium flame. Take care not to burn. You can also stir in between

2. The butter will melt down completely. Then it will start boiling and become very cloudy

3. Then it will become frothy and after a few minutes the milk solids will settle at the bottom and on the sides and the liquid will become thinner and clearer. Keep the flame medium or low at all times and avoid burning

4. After that it will turn colour and become brown in colour. Allow the ghee to be cooked properly till this stage else it will taste very raw 

5. Now add rock salt or moringa (drumstick) leaves or curry leaves and leave in sim for a few minutes. Be cautious now as not to burn the ghee. In a few minutes the milk solids will turn golden brown in colour and clear bubbles at the top of the ghee. Now switch off the flame

6. Allow the ghee to cool a bit around 5-10 minutes. Then using a strainer, strain away the solids and store the ghee in a clean, dry and airtight container 



  1. Beautiful pictures of the ghee... would never have the courage of making butter or ghee from scratch like you did... :)

  2. I love ghee to its core and to its last drop. Heaven.

  3. Priya @asmallbite
    First time to your blog,lovely and amazing pics.


Thank you for stopping by !! I am really happy that you take time to let me know how you feel :-)