
Wednesday 5 October 2016

Sauteed Mushrooms Recipe

The star ingredient of the day is mushroom :) I am becoming a die hard fan of this ingredient week after week. I make it a point to include mushrooms in my menu once every week. Usually I do not like to cook a specific dish for me alone. So if Deeps doesn't like a veggie I do not cook it ! I feel it's boring to cook and have the entire bowl for myself :D But mushrooms have become an exception nowadays. Deeps can't stand the sight of it whereas I am poles away in this regard ! Even though my liking for mushrooms have increased, I still do not like to pair it up with tomatoes for some silly reason. Maybe I have to try some gravy recipes where I can tweak and add tomato puree instead. Sometime in the future, maybe :)

Did you know that mushroom is the only vegetable that has Vitamin D in it, whereas it is found in plenty in non vegetarian sources like meat, liver and fishes. Now intake of Vitamin D is important as it aids in the absorption of the calcium into our body. This specific recipe is quite a regular in my kitchen as it takes less than 20 minutes to put it together and I can gobble up the entire bowl in one go. At times it cheers up my sometimes boring lunch platter as well. But, as this recipe does not use any garam masala or any other Indian flavourings, it may not appeal to many. It has a strong mushroom flavour, so I would say that this is a recipe for those ardent fans of mushrooms :) Do try it out for yourself and let me know how you liked it :) And my other recipes with mushrooms are Mushroom Dry FryMushroom Do pyazaRestaurant Style Mushroom Pepper Fry & Kadai Mushroom

I Took: 

Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 12-15 minutes

Serves : 2 persons

I Used:

Button Mushroom - 200 gm
Butter - 1 tb2sp
Garlic Salt - To taste
Chilly Flakes - To taste
Italian Seasoning - To taste
Lemon jucie - 1 tsp
Coriander leaves - To Garnish

The Way:

1. Clean the mushroom by removing the stalk & peeling off the skin as shown in the photo below. Clean all the mushrooms in the similar manner. 

2. Then rinse them in water twice or thrice and pat them dry immediately using a clean towel. Do not soak them in water for long, rinse them and remove them from water immediately else they will suck and retain water.

3. You can slice the mushrooms and cook as well. Slice or cut them as per your choice. You can use the stalks as well. Cut them into an inch piece in length and a quarter an inch in thickness.

4. Heat butter in a pan, When the butter melts, spread them across the pan and add the mushrooms in the pan. 

5. Add half of the required garlic salt and chilly flakes. Cook for 5 minutes in medium flame.

6. Now flip over the mushrooms and add the remaining garlic salt and chilly flakes. Cook for another 5 minutes. You can cover and cook as well. When you cover and cook, mushroom releases water. So in the end, you would have to open and cook on high flame to evaporate the water.

7. In the end, add lemon juice & italian seasoning and leave on flame for around a minute or two. Switch off the flame and garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot.

Serve for breakfast along with fried eggs or as a side for fried rice or roti or curd rice. Or you can eat as is, as a main course, as I usually do :)


  • You can use half and half of butter and oil, if you would like to reduce the quantity of butter
  • Chilly flakes can be replaced by pepper powder
  • If you do not have garlic salt, use normal salt and garlic instead. If then saute 2-3 pods of chopped garlic in butter before adding the mushrooms
  • As this recipe does not use any garam masala or any other Indian flavourings, it may not appeal to many. It has a strong mushroom flavour, so I would say that this is a recipe for those ardent fans of mushrooms :)



  1. just simple things can make a great appetizer

  2. So easy and delicious mushroom recipe. I'm a big fan of mushrooms. So saving this for later

  3. I too love mushrooms but nobody else at home likes it, so once in a blue moon I cook it and force it down their throats ;) This is such a simple recipe...

  4. I adore mushrooms. This is a simple yet yummy preparation.

  5. i love mushrooms..the way you arranged in pan is so cute..


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