
Monday 9 September 2013

Chinese Scallion Pancakes with Ginger dipping sauce - IFC Challenge #1 | Cong You Bing

When  Saraswathy and Shobana geared up to create this new event 'International Food Challenge' I knew I that I am definitely gonna participate in this one ! C'mon, who would want to miss a chance to learn some exotic dishes from the cuisines around the world? The added advantage is you can make them at home without having to search for that speciality restaurant in your locality :D And as it would please anyone, the first challenge was to experiment on Chinese cuisine especially from the Cantonese region. So let me give you guys some heads up on this cuisine as shared to us from the event organisers. 

Cantonese Cuisine, also named Yue Cuisine or Guangdong cuisine, is one of the main cuisine styles in China. It comes from Guangdong Province in southern China and it is one of among the eight great traditions of Chinese cuisine. The basic cooking techniques of Cantonese cuisine include roasting, stir-frying, sautéing, deep-frying, braising, stewing and steaming. Steaming and stir-frying are most commonly used to preserve the ingredients' natural flavors. The most characteristic cooking methods of Cantonese Cuisine are cooking in salt, cooking in wine, baking in a pan, and soft ¨C frying. 

We were given four recipes to choose from namely Spiral Moon Cake, Cantonese Savoury Glutinous Rice Dumplings, Cantonese Wonton Noodles Soup & Chinese Scallion Pancakes. I chose Chinese Scallion pancakes, the simpler one. This closely resembles the Kerala parottas in that APF is used to make these pancakes. Spring onions or Scallions is used as a stuffing. This is served with a sweetishly sour dip. I enjoyed having these, especially the dip which made the pancakes more tastier !

Recipe Source: Adapted from here

I Took: 40 minutes

Serves: 3-4 pancakes (5 or 6 inch dia)

I Used:

For Pancake:

All purpose flour/Maida - 1 cup + more for dusting
Scallions/Spring Onions - ¼ cup
Oil - 4 tbsp
Salt - 1 tsp / As Needed
Boiling-hot Water - ¼ cup / As Needed

For Ginger-Dipping Sauce:

Thin Soya Sauce - ¼ cup
Rice Wine Vinegar - ¼ cup
Chopped Scallions - ¼ cup
Crumbled Dried Red Chilly - 1 tsp
Ginger - 1 tsp
Toasted Sesame seeds - 1 tsp
Sugar - 1 tsp

The Way:

  1. Sift together flour & salt. Add 2 tbsp oil and mix well
  2. Slowly add the boiling-hot water & knead until it forms a soft & smooth dough
  3. Cover with a damp cloth & allow it to stand for 20-30 minutes
  4. Divide the dough into 3-4 pieces of equal size & roll them into balls using hand
  5. On a floured surface, place a ball & roll it into a thin circle using a rolling pin
  6. Spread a tsp of oil evenly over the pancake & sprinkle 1-2 tbsp of scallions over it
  7. Roll up the pancake from one end (horizontally) like a rug
  8. Curl (vertically) the roll around in a spiral. With the palm press the top of the spiral to flatten it. Using a rolling pin, roll again & flatten to achieve a 5 or 6 inch pancake
  9. In a hot non-stick pan, pan sear both sides of the pancake (like you make chapathis) until golden brown. Add oil if necessary
  10. Mix all the dipping ingredients together. Cut the pancake into wedges and serve them with the dipping sauce


  • I omitted rice wine vinegar in the dip as I did not have them. Still tasted awesome !



  1. very very well made scallion pancakes dear :) they are tempting me !! love your presentation and clicks :)

  2. I have been seeing few versions of these pancakes already shared by other foodies. Each is inviting just like your sharing. More tempting is the ginger dipping sauce, perfect pairing for the punch of Chinese flavors.

  3. Yummy Pancakes..........Looks yum

  4. Looks awesome... Perfectly done... Have to try ...

  5. Tempting pancakes with yummy ginger dip..

  6. Well done Chitra, I always wonder how food has such a wonderfully common thread binding people from all over the world.

  7. Aaah!!! How perfect they look... Superb one, Chitra :) Happy to follow you...

    Read the latest post @ cooking with SJ -

  8. LOL can't stop laughing very similar to Kerala porottaa..I was shocked to see even our swantham koorka is named Chinese potato avar porottayude karyam ariyanda !!
    Anyway the scallion pancake looks really yummy..

  9. Looks delicious and perfectly made..

  10. nice presentation..looks so good..

  11. Beautifully done, looks delicious.

  12. seriously they looks very much like our parotaa heee. The pancakes look delicious :-)

  13. this looks really yum...having seen it on other blogs, i also felt it looked like our porottas... eni eppo avar namme copyadichathano atho nammalavareyo??? hm....

  14. Perfectly made scallion pan cakes.. wish to have few.. M eyeing on that dip more than pancakes.. They would definitely enhance the pancake taste!

  15. very interesting recipe ! glad to learn a new dish :)

  16. Yummy and tempting pancakes Chitz.. Superb dip too :-)

  17. wow yummy pancake...lovely clicks chitra...

  18. Delicious Chinese scallion pancake, so addictive isn't? I love them.

  19. wow awesome dish love the blend of flavors in them.Never heard of it like the cute way u have cut them very nice chitz.

  20. Nice clicks Chitz ! perfectly sliced pancakes !

  21. we can happily devour these pancakes every day with that lip smacking dipping with ginger...whats not to love in these treats...thanks for sharing :-)

  22. Scallion pancake looks inviting and yummy. Beautiful click.

  23. I made them long ago for another event. I love them and the dipping sauce! Great clicks as well dear :)

  24. wow!this is an interesting recipe,I want to try it..look so delicious!

  25. Looks very crispy and delicious!

  26. Hi Chitz,

    You have made your cong you bing very well!!! Brilliant!


  27. Thanks all for your inspiring words !

  28. Super looking dipping sauce, and the pancakes looks really awesome dear. :)


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