
Thursday 4 April 2013

Awards, Awards & more awards

I am very very elated & excited to tell you guys that four more wonderful & talented bloggers have bestowed upon me the 'Liebster award'. If only emotions can be transformed to words !! I am very grateful to you guys for having for recognized & appreciated me by passing on this award. 

Those four awesome bloggers are 
  1. Rani of Rani's Gourmet - who has an awesome collection of mouthwatering Kerala recipes & more 
  2. Preeti Jaipal of Kitchen Delicacies - hop on to her space for a colorful platter, the very sight of it which makes you wanna go and prepare them and have them right away. And believe me, her recipes are mostly very simple & powerful 
  3. Priya Sahasranaman of Goddess of Spice - it's not just a food blog, you can find many other interesting links like crocheting to some kids creations & some worthy articles about shopping, festivals etc etc. Hop on to her place for more fun 
  4. Vidhya Viju Govind of a Portion to Share - a perfect place for perfect buns, breads, cakes, savories & more.

As I had already talked about myself a lot in one of the previous Liebster post, I am leaving a link here. I am sure this is a long list of I, Me, Myself down there & most of you would find it boring to read the whole thing, but as a respect to those who awarded me, I am answering all the questions (repeated questions omitted :) )

11 questions for me from Rani
1. What inspired you to start a blog?
    Free time, boredom & the realization that I was idling away my time doing nothing useful  
2. What is the best food you ever had?
    I cannot pin point on one particular dish, there are many actually. My mom's gulab jamun, my best friend Paru's grand-ma's pazhampori, the authentic Portugese pastries that I had from Lisbon after waiting for it in the queue for quite a long time
3. Name one dish you always love to cook
    Anything with Chicken
4. Which one would you prefer going for a picnic with your friends or with relatives? Why?

     Both are fun in their own ways. Wild fun with friends & calm relaxing fun with relatives
5. Which type of movie do you prefer realistic or fiction?

    Believable Fiction
6. Which is your favorite holiday spot?

    Always close to my heart is Kerala, but any place with a beach would suffice
7. Where do you prefer to live a  city or in a village?
8. What is one device you wish to be in your kitchen?

    I don't wish to become any device. But would love if I can grind things the traditional way instead of using mixer & grinder
9. What is your dream in your life?
    Lead a simple humble life & be the reason for a smile in others life

11 questions for me from Preeti
1. Do you watch TV shows?  If so, which is your favorite?
    I do not watch TV as such. But would download & watch some series. 'Castle' & 'Bones' are the current favorites & 'Friends' is an all time favorite
2. What beauty product you cannot live without?
    My Kajal
3. What you always aspired to be? Are your aspirations met?
    I aspired to be a scientist during my high school days. And before that a doctor, a   teacher and many more. But all time wish was to become a psychologist, but cannot go    back now I guess. Anyways I am happy doing what I am now 
4. What is the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?
5. Which is your favorite recipe from your blog?
    Spring Rolls
6. What’s your favorite thing to have for dessert?
    Chocolate Cake with Ice Cream
7. Your favorite shopping destination?
    Quite a few actually. Convent Road @Kochi, EA @Chennai, Hounslow High Street @London   
8. Sports or academics, your pick?
    Always academics. I suck at sports

11 questions for me from Priya
1. What is the craziest thing you ever did?

    Some outings with friends were always crazy    
2. If not a food blog, what?

    I always wanted to start on something innovative & informative, more like article or feature based ones, but side tracked and enjoying with my food blog now
3. Where do you get your inspirations for cooking?

    From my mom, childhood culinary experiences & online browsing
4. Which chef influences your cooking the most?

    My mom & Deeps, whom I see live :P If it's from any specific shows or videos it's Gordon Ramsay 
5. Who is your best critic?
    Deeps, my hubbie
6. What would be the first thing on your bucket list?

    Always onions & tomatoes (Guessing  this is the grocery list)
    Realised that I made a blunder after seeing Pavithra's comments ;)
    Bungee Jumping
7. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

    My lethargy
8. Name your favorite author or book?

    J.K. Rowling & Harry Potter (I love the magic world)
9. Which is your favorite place to hang out with friends?

10. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

      Am a night owl
11. Which cuisine is your culinary strong point?


11 questions for me from Vidhya
1. Why do you blog?
    Because it makes me feel that I am doing something worthy. And I feel very happy when others also enjoy some good recipes that I too enjoyed
2. You love to cook and have people over or do you prefer to buy food to entertain guests?
    I love to cook, never would I want t0 I buy food
3. What is that one magic ingredient you love when it comes to cooking?
    Salt - It makes or breaks the dish
4. Who do you hold close to heart at all times?

    Suchi my sis & Deeps my hus
5. If you had one day to do all that you ever wanted to do, what would they be? 

     Read books that are pending for a long time
6. What do you do when you are all alone ?
     Clean the house, grab a cuppa coffee & browse
7. What would you like to receive as gifts irrespective of the occasion?

8. One effective tested and tried kitchen tip you would like to share with the world.

    Soak shallots in water for 15 minutes before you peel them. It comes off in a jiffy then
9. What is your favorite childhood memory?
    Me & my sis ogling when my mom prepares some exotic dishes
10. Do you wish you could turn back the clock? If so, why?
      There are so many things that I wish I could do by turning back time. But that would  become more complicated. So let it be the way they are. Nothing happens without a reason 

11 nominees

Please find your questions here

Amrita Roy of Motions & Emotions
Bhawna Bagri of Simply Delicious 
Biny of Biny's Recipes
Humri of Gheza-e-Sheriin
Jeya Jemini of My Style of Recipes
Kannda Cuisine
Nagashree of Sattvaa
Pavithra of Potpourri
Pramitha of Pramitha Love Cooking
Reni of What's Cooking
Suchi Sm of Easycooking 



  1. Congrats on all your awards! Got to know a lot more about you! :)

  2. Congratulations dear..

    1. Hey Chitz,

      I have to answer questions, Is it? Not very clear dear...I am a newbie in this blog world..Plz explain..


    2. I had posted in ur site dear.. Hope u understood now :)

  3. Congratulations dear...thank you for accepting the award, glad to know more abt you and love the way you introduce my blog space.... :)

  4. Hearty hearty Congratulations dear!! You deserve all of them and much more.
    I especially liked when you were taking about standing in queue for long time and enjoying Portugese pastries, you when we wait for something, it usually is damn worthy, hey na!
    Your bucket list and grocery list mix up, brought me a grin!!
    shallot advice is a good one, i didn't know.
    Turning back the clock answer is spot on!! loved them all.
    Also thanks for nominating me dear!! Feels super good and as always doing a gangnum at home :)!!

    1. I just realised I am a fool.. Atleast I shud have googled it before guessing rite, but maybe too many questions effect !! I have corrected it now :P
      Gangnum lady, I knew u wud read the whole thing.. Thanks dear :)

    2. Dear, I actually thought, you have a good sense of humor and that is why the grin :-)
      I think you should have left it as is, it was nice and fun.

    3. Hehe.. No probs dear :)

  5. that's quite a long list... glad to know more about u... :)

  6. Congrats on the awards :) Castle used to be a fav show of mine too - used to watch it on youtube. Not anymore though :) And I second that "dream in your life" answer to Rani's question :)

    1. Thanks Priya :) Such simple ppl we are, right?? :)

  7. Congrats and wishing u more and more awards, glad to know more about u.

  8. congrats on ur awards Chitz !! may u win more

    Ongoing Event- Mummy Ka Magic

  9. Thank you chitz passing this award to me...good to know more about you .....

  10. Hi Chitz....great to know u....i know drafting this post is time consuming.spread d cheer...congratulations once again !!!

  11. Congrats Dear... nice to hear about you...

  12. congrats and nice to know moore about u .

  13. Congrats Chitz.. Nice to know more about you..

  14. Congrats dear... Nice to a lot about you...

  15. Congrats! good to know more about you :)

  16. Congrats dear,wish you many many more

  17. happy to know more about you dear..thanks for taking time and patience for answering funny questions :)

  18. Hi Chitz...thanks for the award...pleasure to meet u...Salaams from Ireland to Norway...Nice space...looking forward to many more exotic recipes.Slanowaaliya...c u soon

  19. congratz dear...and thankz for passing this award to me

  20. Hi Chitra, Congratulations on your Leibster and thank you for passing it on to me. Nice to know you, glad to follow you.

  21. Congrats Ms, you deserve it and I am sure more will be coming the way.

  22. congrats Chitra, thanks for passing me...

  23. That's quite an achievement.. Congrats on your awards :-)

  24. Congrats dear ! It's great to know more about you..and thanks a ton for passing it on !

  25. Congratulation Chitra.Had viral infec so responding late. Thanks for giving me the award. Humble request to give some other blogger the award as I never display awards on my blog. I really like your blog and always wait for your posts
    Tc ,

    1. No probs at all Humi :) U deserve an award & so I felt like passing on :)

  26. too many similarities we have ...chitz..and the most evident - the COnvent junction hangout ;)

    1. Lolz.. Good Sona and not to forget our similarity for the love of biriyani :)

  27. Congratulations Chitz. Nice to know more about you

  28. Thank you for accepting the award :) Enjoyed reading your answers. Following you right back...

  29. Congrats Chitz... Nice to know more about you :-)

  30. Great to be on your space:) wonderful reading through...:)

  31. Congratzz!!! Sorry, i too was AWOL...
    Loved reading more about you...


Thank you for stopping by !! I am really happy that you take time to let me know how you feel :-)