
Thursday 7 March 2013

Karuvepilai Era Thokku - Curry leaf Prawn curry

Prawns cooked in coconut-curry leaf paste

Yes !!! It does look like am going overboard on prawns rite?? Well, I got hold of some fresh prawns and I guess I got a little excited.. We do not get much of fresh prawns here, rather  it's always the processed and packed ones. And the zest was more coz I get to peel and devein the prawns all by myself. Yes, now some of you might be thinking, 'Is it actually that great an accomplishment??' 

Nah.. must not be.. But all through my childhood I have watched my mom and grand mom and aunties do that.. And when they did that the general instruction for all the kids around was 'STAY AWAY'..But I was very intrigued and would watch them and ponder on how quick and swift and meticulous they were in that process.. A twist and a pull and a rinse.. And there goes the soft flesh to the pot. I should say that I was a little scared too.. 'Won't the sword like spines on the top of their heads hurt your fingers, if you were this fast????' 

Those were the wonderings of a small kid.. Now that I have mastered thy art myself, I do not see or wonder on the risk, rather enjoy it ;) And now back to the recipe, last week I saw a different Chettinad recipe on prawns in Asianet plus channel. I knew I should make it  and share it here. And my instincts were not wrong... Instant hit.. Deeps and I loved it...

Serves: 2 persons

I Took:

Preparation Time : 20 minutes

Cooking Time : 40 minutes

I Used:

Prawns - 200 gm
Curry leaf
- ½ cup
- 10 sprigs
Shallots - 6-8 nos (sliced)
Tomato - 1 no (medium sized - chopped)
Ginger-Garlic paste - 2 tsp
Tamarind pulp - 2 tbsp
Mustard - ½ tsp
Fenugreek - ¼ tsp
Fenugreek-Mustard powder - 2 tsp
Coconut Milk - 3 tbsp
Gingelly Oil - 1 tbsp
Turmeric powder - ½ tsp
Salt - As Needed

The Way:

  1. Clean and wash the prawns 
  2. Grind together coconut and curry leaves in a mixie by adding a little water. Keep the paste aside
  3. Heat oil in a kadai. Add mustard and  fenugreek
  4. When it splutters, add shallots and saute
  5. As the shallots start to change colour, add tomatoes and saute till they become mushy 
  6. Now add the coconut-curry leaf paste and saute 
  7. When it starts losing water, add ginger-garlic paste and saute till the raw smell fades off
  8. Add the tamarind pulp, salt and mix. Add the cleaned prawns and required amount of water to cook the prawn
  9. When the prawns are almost done, add the fenugreek-mustard powder and the coconut milk
  10. Cook till the prawns are done. Garnish with coriander leaves


Dry roast equal amounts of mustard and fenugreek. Grind them in a mixer for the fenugreek-mustard powder



  1. Sounds so delish Chitra! You shelled and deveined them yourself? That IS an accomplishment as far as I'm concerned. Now, let me think. Where was I when my mom and grandmom used to do such things!!

  2. loved the color of the gravy and curry leaf is so healthy..looks tempting,Chitz :)
    Participate & win e gift vouchers in Flavors Of Cuisines-"Chinese"

  3. hey chitra dear..prawns loooking cute for the first time to me !!! different recipe..bookmarked!!

  4. Delicious curry, I watched this show in asianet channel.

  5. Chitz,Happy to share my Liebster Award with you and a few others.Please collect it from my blog and share them with your blogger friends :)

  6. hai Chitz, thanks for passing by my space and for ur opinion on pliagiarism. nice clicks, and lovely recipe.
    and my! your describtion of yourself is soo very much kind of me too..same pinch.

  7. first time in here, you have a great space, shrimp looks yum:)

  8. Thanks Rani for sharing the award with me :)

  9. Hi, This is my first time here, very nice and yummy recipes....
    Shrimp looks gr8, I am happy to follow you.
    Do visit my place some time
    lets keep in touch

  10. Curry looks so yumm...First time here u have great place...Happy to follow u :)

  11. looks yum!I am sure it is recipe to me

  12. It looks wonderful and delicious. Interesting recipe Chitz :-)


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