
Monday 18 March 2013

Canned Tuna Ularthiyathu | Canned Tuna Fish Stir Fry | Choora Meen Upperi

Tuna fish sauteed with Indian spices

Which type of dishes leaves an enduring image in your soul?? If you ask me that question, I would go back to my childhood memories. From the smell of the tomato ketchup hung in cotton cloth to the fresh fruit being converted to jam & the aroma of wonderful crab curry or the mind blowing smell of authentic Indian sweets being fried in pure ghee and dipped in jeera... Bliss !! How I wish I can go back to that time.. Mind you.. I am talking about all home made here. Yeah, I was one of those lucky souls who have an vague memory or recollection of these fabulous spread of dishes made by my mom and grand mom.

And this particular dish is very close to my heart. Wondering why & how it got into the list? I was first introduced to this canned tuna by my dad. When I was in high school, he used to go on business trips to Maldives. When he came back, he used to buy and bring this canned fish for us. We were  introduced to this concept of fish in tins first time back then. And when mom prepares this dish, it means that dad is back home after his 2 or 3 week long trip. Still I remember me licking my fingers and having this as an accompaniment to hot piping rasam sadam.

After some years we stopped having this as he no longer went to Maldives.. So it was a while since I had forgotten about it. It was two weeks before, when I went shopping that I found these tins sitting on the shelves and winking at me. Didn't waste a sec. Was very happy to get the old memories rekindled. So here goes the recipe !!

Recipe Source : Ma

I Took : 30 minutes

I Used:

Tuna                        -  200 gm (I used canned tuna in oil)
Onion                      -  2 no - medium - chopped
Tomato                    -  1 no - medium - chopped
Ginger-Garlic paste   -  1 tbsp
Red Chilly powder     -  2 tsp
Coriander powder     -  3 tsp
Turmeric powder      -  ¼ tsp
Garam Masala          -  1 tsp
Coriander leaves      -  To garnish 
Mustard seeds          -  1 tsp
Oil                          -  As Needed
Salt                         -  As Needed

The Way:

  1. Clean & wash the tuna and keep aside
  2. Heat oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds
  3. When it splutters add the onion and saute till it turns light brown
  4. Add ginger garlic paste and fry well till the raw smell fades off
  5. Add all the powders - chilly, coriander, turmeric & garam masala and mix well
  6. Now add the tomatoes and saute till it gets a bit mushy
  7. Add salt and the cleaned tuna pieces and mix well
  8. Cook till done. It will turn brown and dry. Sprinkle water in between to prevent the dish from sticking to the pan
Serve with boiled rice or as a sandwich. I prefer it with rasam sadam :)



  1. i dont eat non veg but this one looks interesting..wud definitely try out for my guests :)

  2. Looks like a Master Chef dish. Inviting from any angle.
    I'm just wondering what will I add instead of tuna, being a vegetarian by choice, I probably should use scrambled panner or soya chunk i guess, what do you say?

    1. Soya would taste better than Paneer i guess, though I have not tried that Pavithra :)

  3. Very yummy and nice dear. I usually make patties with canned fish. I will this a shot for sure. Nice clicks

  4. i am not fan for tuna...but this really invites me chitz....

  5. wow..this looks really nice...

  6. lovely , there are enough indian grocery stores there ? i always amazed how well spread our indians are.

    1. Yup dear.. though not many, there are 2 in this small town :)

  7. Another one of our fav but at times I use canned sardines. This is such a wonderful side, fabulous with rice or stuffed into bread. Btw, I have a can of salmon and I am hoping that it can be used for such a similar recipe.

  8. Just cant take my eyes from that irresistible tuna ularthiyathu,i do make it whenever i feel lazy to cook..Yumm.

  9. i love to have this in betn breads as sandwich! and hey Chitz..have just posted on the Leibster Award that you had pass on to chk it out here

    1. Loved to read more about you dear.. And loved the gangnam baby too :D

  10. Our canned Tuna supply almost always came from my Dad's sister which she would bring after her visits abroad :) We used to do a simple saute and make sandwiches out of them. Your version sounds so very yummy! Must try it out one day :)

  11. Hi there!
    Passing on my Liebster Award...

    1. Forgot to link up duh!!

  12. Whooo, looks too good, a must try version for sure. Thanks for sharing...

  13. Super tempting,perfect with rice and moru curry,yum

  14. I have asked for Tuna today, and I sure want to try this recipe. Looks great.... You have a great blog

    1. Try and let me know how it came out dear :)

  15. So yummy and beautiful clicks.... Loved the colour Chitz :-)

  16. I love tuna with anything. and this sautéed tuna is a perfect for a sandwich filling.. :)



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