
Monday 7 January 2013

Pineapple Cheese Sticks

'Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise'. But what if you are not an early bird? Now obviously I am not one. And that comes with serious consequences for my food timings :-( Yeah, I don't like to skip a meal.. But at times weekends make me do that. And that's one lazy eve, I was struck with the idea of making these pineapple cheese sticks.

I remember having them as starters in an eat-in (forgot the name, maybe I should ask my mom, she will know!!) in Trivandrum, when I was a child.. I loved to wriggle them in my mouth for the perfect blend of the sourness of the pineapple, the salt of the cheese and the sweetness of the cherry.. Oooh.. That was quite a feast those days :-) 

So here is the recipe of the starter that did make me hungry after a while and lo, I was set off cooking the dinner :)

I Took: 10 minutes

I Used:

Pineapple (Canned or Normal)
Glazed Cherry
Tooth Picks

The Way :

Cut pineapple into small cubes. I used the middle portion of the pineapple as they are more stiff and less sour. Cut the cheese also in the same shape as that of the pineapple. Cut the cherries into half. Onto each toothpick, insert the pineapple, followed by the cheese and then the cherry.

The sticks are now ready to be served :-)



  1. Picture perfect... so delicious and super for parties!!! Thanks for sending this yummy recipe to my event.. Looking for more yummy recipes...

    Ongoing Event - Dish it out - Lentils & Garlic
    Ongoing Event - Know Your Dairy - Cheese
    Ongoing Event - What is with my Cuppa?

  2. This is like the quickest recipe ever. And we don't even have to sweat it!
    I like it, probably when guests come instead of giving them the same old Marie biscuit & tea, we could do this!! I'm sure they will feel wanted to come home next time.:-)
    I should tell my mom.
    Creative recipe, love it!

    1. Yup dear.. very easy & treat to the eyes.. and as u said, guests would want to come again :)


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