
Saturday 23 November 2013

Kerala Mixture - My first Guest Post :)

The first time experiences will always remain memorable & close to our heart, isn't it? I experienced that excitement when Rafee, the sweet tooth & sweet heart asked me to do a guest post for her wonderful space. I really like this segment at her space & used to look forward to the posts, which used to feature every Saturday before, but now due to her slightly busy schedule became biweekly. I got acquainted to a lot of fellow bloggers through this lovely event of hers :) So most of the times, the first times do makes us a little nervous, right? It was the same with me too. What to cook, how to present? Will Rafee's wide range of reader fans like it, especially after she left the choice of the dish to me :D After much debate (inside my head) and cooking two to three dishes I finally settled for the 'Kerala mixture'. 

Rafee is an amazing person whom I befriended through the blogging world. I have to say person rather than blogger, coz blogging is just one aspect of her life that she handles amazingly in addition to the other roles of a daughter, wife, mother, home maker & a professional ! In spite of her busy schedule she does blog very frequently & never fails to express her two words of opinion & encouragement to what her fellows have cooked & presented ! And the highlight is she replies to every comment at her space. Now that's the heights of dedication & interaction for me. The intro for most of her posts would be her experiences or small quotes which would really make you understand that she is a warm human being who strives to be a better person with each passing day ! It's a pleasure to know you & be a fellow blogger, Rafee :) I am really glad that I could do this guest post for you & thank you for giving me this oppurtunity :)

Do hop on to her space for the detailed recipe & pics :)
